Teaching Material Gallery


Subject                : English Language
Date                      : 2nd March 2010
Time                      : 9.40-10.40 a.m
Class                     : 3 Maju
Enrolment           : 22
Topic             : Story Time
Sub topic             : Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Theme                                 : World of Knowledge
Focus Skills        : Listening and Speaking
Skills :
1.3 Acquire vocabulary and understand the meaning of words and phrases in context.
1.5 Obtain information from texts listened to in relation to main ideas, specific details and sequence.
1.7 Listen to and enjoy stories, fables, and other tales of imagination and fantasy and predict outcomes and draw conclusion, at a level suited to the pupils ability.
Level / Sub-skills :
1.3.1 Listen to key words in stories and text heard and demonstrate understanding by pointing to pictures.
1.7.1 Listen to and enjoy stories, fables and predict outcome, and draw conclusions at a level suited to the pupils ability.
2.5.1 Talk about the people, places and moral values of the stories heard, read and viewed in simple language.
2.6.2 State whether one likes or does not like the story heard or read.
Previous Knowledge     :Pupils have heard this story..
Learning Outcomes       : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
i) Recognize ten characters in the story.
ii) Understand the story.

Vocabulary                          : ago, fairy tales, characters, surprise, dopey, sleepy, bashful, grumpy, happy, witch, Prince
Moral Values                      : humility
Teaching and
Learning resources        : PowerPoint slide presentation, videos, song and Worksheet

Teaching Learning Activities :
  1. Set Induction   : pictures of dwarfs and word cards. ( 5 minutes )
  2. Activities          : slide show – story telling
  3. Practice           : labels the character
  4. Production       : enrichment
  5. Closure           : sing along

Teaching And Learning Activities:

Set induction
(5 minutes)
Dwarfs’ pictures
1.  Teacher shows pictures of seven dwarfs.
2.  Teacher ask question :
·         What is a ‘dwarf?’
·         Why are they called dwarf?
·How many dwarfs you can see in the picture?
·What is the title for a fairy tales where you can see 7 dwarfs in it?

3.  Teacher asks them to rearrange the word cards to get the title of the fairy tale.
Teaching Aids
Word card
Presentation Activity 1
(20 minutes)
Fairy tales story ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’
1.  Teacher asks pupils to gather around teacher to hear a story.
2.  Teacher shows a slide show and teach pupils to sing a simple song :
Ssss…be quiet
Please sit down
Listen, listen, listen

3.  Teacher asks the student to sing the song with teacher.
4.  Teacher shows the slides of a ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarf’ fairy tales and tells the story.

Teaching Aids
Slide show
( 15 minutes )
Labels the character

1.  Teacher shows characters in the story with their description.
2.  Teacher asks pupils to answer questions from worksheet containing the characters from the story and indentify it.
3.  Teacher asks volunteers to give their answer.
4.  Teacher discusses the answer with pupils and the reasoning for the answer.
5.  Teacher asks who is their favorites characters and why.
6.  Teacher asks pupils to paste the worksheet in their exercise book.
Teaching Aids
1.  Worksheet
2.  Slide show
3.  Exercise book
(15 minutes)
1.  Teacher asks pupils to arrange the pictures given in the slide show.
2.  Teacher asks volunteers to number the pictures .
3.  Teacher asks moral values in the story
Teaching Aids
1.  Slide show

( 5 minutes )
Song a long
1.  Teacher plays the videos with lyric and asks pupils to sing it.



Name  : _____________________________________

Read the descriptions carefully and name the characters.

·     the youngest dwarf
·     clumsy and nice
·     have big ears and blue eyes
·     stubborn and brave
·     have long white beard and large nose
·     Cheerful and kind
·     Short and fat
·     Happy face
·     Often sneezes
·     Kind and brave
·     Wears orange cap
·     Kind, sweet, innocent, beautiful
·     Short black hair, red lips, red hair ribbon
·     Shy and kind
·     Short
·     Have long beard
·     Caring, kind and handsome
·     Prince clothing
·     Like to boast
·     Fat and short
·     Using spectacles
·     Lazy and always eager to fall asleep
·     Beautiful, vain, evil, unfeeling
·     Wears gold tiara


English Lesson Plan 2 :

Class                           :   Year 2
Date                            :   4 April 2011
Time                            :   0900-1000 (1 jam)
Enrolment                   :   29 Pupils
Topic                           : MY SCHOOL
Sub-Topic                   :   2.1 Things In My Bag
Teaching Learning      :   Pupils will be able to name, spell and pronounce correctly the name of things    

 Learnin Outcomes     :   By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Identifying objects by being able to list down the things found in their bag. 
  1. Making associations and connections between the usage of plural and singular in a given sentence.
  1. Collaborating actively with peers in order to get the correct answers.

Teaching Aids:

-          Song’s Lyric  ( What I Have? )
-          Realias  ( pencil, ruler, eraser, sharpener, book and etc.)
-          Powerpoint Presentation, Activity / Exercise Book, Worksheeet

Previous Knowledge:

The pupils know the things that they should and shouldn’t bring to school based on school rules.

Moral Values : The cooperation in group activity.

Teaching Learning Actitivities
Teaching Recourse/

Set Induction
(5 min)

1. Teacher pastes the song’s lyric on the blackboard.

2. Teacher guides pupils to read the song’s lyric.

3. Teacher sings the song once.

4. Teacher asks pupils to sing the song together with the teacher. (At the same time teacher holds the object one by one). 

5. Teacher introduces the topic of the lesson ‘Things In My Bag’.

1. Pupils get ready for the lesson.

2. Pupils read the song’s lyric.

3. Pupils listen to the teacher.

4. Pupils sing the song together with the teacher.

5. Pupils get ready for the next stage of the lesson.

Teaching Aids:

- Singing a song entitle ‘ What I Have?’

(30 min)

1. Teacher asks pupils to open their bags and dig out all the things that they have in their bag.

2. Teacher asks more of what the pupils could find in their bags.

3. Teacher gives various questions in linear context.

4. Teacher distributes texts to all the pupils. 

5. Teacher reads the text once.

6. Teacher drills pupils to read the text in:

a.    Whole Class
b.    Groups
c.    Peers

7. Teacher emphasizes the language content in the text such as a pencil, two pencils and relate it to other nouns to show  the usage of adding the letter ‘s’ and ‘es’.

1. Pupils open their bags and take out the things from their bags one by one.

2. Pupils name the objects that they could find in their bags.

3. Pupils answer the questions given by the teacher.
4. Pupils look through the text.

5. Pupils listen to the teacher.

6. Pupils practice reading the text in:

a.  Whole Class
b.  Groups
c.  Peers

7. Pupils listen to the teacher.

Teaching Aids :

- Questions and
-  Drilling

Values :
- Collaborating
 - Time  Management

(20 min)

1. Teacher distributes the worksheets to the pupils.

2. Teacher gives instructions to the pupils on how to do the exercises given.

3. Teacher guides pupils to do the exercises given.

4. Teacher checks the answers with the pupils.

1. Pupils get ready to do the exercises given.

2. Pupils listen to the teacher’s instructions.

3. Pupils do the exercises given guided by the teacher.

4. Pupils discuss the answers with the teacher.


- Guided Activities

(5 min)

1. Teacher concluded the lesson by conducting a language games in groups of four or five.

1. Pupils involve themselves in the language games in groups.

- Language  
- Questions and 



Topic : Things In My Bag
Name : _________________________________________
(A)                Count The Objects. Write the answer in the box given.






(B)   Write the correct answer based in the pictures.
Example :
1.   There are 3 pencils.
2.   There are ______  ________________
3.   There are _______  ________________
4.   There are _______  _______________
5.   There are _______  _______________
6.   There are _______ ________________

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